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You are cordially invited to participate in the Multiethnic-Viva Eclectika (MEVE) 2024

Dance Fusion Challenge.

Event Details:

 Date: September 21st, 2024

 Venue: Victory Convention Centre, Beaumont St, Freemans Bay, Auckland

Registration: Please register at the following link: MEVE 2024 Registration

This challenge aims to promote unity, goodwill, and understanding for positive race relations

through intercultural dance and music. Our unique approach brings dancers from one culture

together with dancers from at least one other culture to create a fusion performance. This

concept not only bridges understanding through dance and music between ethnic

communities and the mainstream but also fosters connections within individual communities.

MEVE will showcase aspects of at least two cultures, weaving together the best of each into a

new and creative whole that inspires positive relations in our communities.

We invite you to be a part of this extraordinary cultural celebration and showcase the beauty

of diversity through dance fusion. Attached is a flyer with further details about the event.

Please contact us by email and follow us on Instagram at Meve Dance Fusion to keep


Thank you for considering this invitation. We eagerly anticipate your participation in the

MEVE 2024 Dance Fusion Challenge.

Warm regards,

MEVE 2024 Organizing Committee

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